Sunday, December 31, 2023

Mengakhiri untuk Memulai ~ Ps. Frederick Abel

Mengakhiri Kekhawatiran

Catatan Ibadah ke-1 Minggu 31 Desember 2023

Yohanes 11:38-39a (TB) Maka masygullah pula hati Yesus, lalu Ia pergi ke kubur itu. Kubur itu adalah sebuah gua yang ditutup dengan batu. Kata Yesus: "Angkat batu itu!"

Yesus bisa saja mengangkat batu itu, tetapi Dia malah meminta orang lain yang melakukannya. Ini berarti ada bagian yang harus kita lakukan dan ada bagian Tuhan. Jika mereka tidak percaya kepada Yesus, mereka tidak akan mau bergerak untuk mengangkat batu itu. Namun, mereka yang percaya kepada-Nya pasti akan mengangkat batu itu.

Yohanes 11:41 (TB) Maka mereka mengangkat batu itu. Lalu Yesus menengadah ke atas dan berkata: "Bapa, Aku mengucap syukur kepada-Mu, karena Engkau telah mendengarkan Aku.

Lalu Yesus mengucap syukur dan Lazarus pun hidup kembali. Mungkin kita juga berpikir bahwa Tuhan terlambat, tetapi sebenarnya Dia tidak pernah terlambat. Pertolongan Tuhan selalu tepat waktu.

FOUR DAYS LATE (Karen Peck and New River)
The news came to Jesus: "Please come fast. Lazarus is sick and without Your help he will not last."
Mary and Martha watched their brother die. They waited for Jesus. He did not come and they wondered why.
The dead watch was over. Buried four days. Somebody said: "He'll soon be here, the Lord's on His way." Martha ran to him and then she cried: "Lord, if You had been here, You could have healed him. He'd still been alive."
But Lord four days late and all hope is gone. "Lord, we don't understand why You waited so long?"
But His way is God's way, not yours or mine. And isn't it great when He's four days late, He's still on time.
Jesus said: "Martha, show me the grave." But she said: "Lord, you don't understand he's been there four days." The grave stone was rolled back. Then Jesus cried: "Lazarus, come forward!" Then somebody said: "He's alive, he's alive."
You may be fighting a battle of fear. You cry to the Lord: "I need You" but He has not appeared.
Friend don't be discouraged 'cause He's still the same. He'll soon be here. He'll roll back the stone and He'll call out your name.
But He's four days late and all hope is gone. "Lord, we don't understand why You waited so long?" But His way is God's way, not yours or mine. And isn't it great when He's four days late, He's still on time. He's still on time.
Oh my God ... When He's four days late, He's still on time. He's still on time

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Tahun 2024 beberapa orang juga akan menerima promosi dari Tuhan tanpa disangka-sangka. Namun, tetap jangan lengah jika tahun ini Anda sudah sukses. Kita harus tetap berjaga-jaga dalam doa.

Filipi 4:9 (TB) Dan apa yang telah kamu pelajari dan apa yang telah kamu terima, dan apa yang telah kamu dengar dan apa yang telah kamu lihat padaku, lakukanlah itu. Maka Allah sumber damai sejahtera akan menyertai kamu.

Agar kita selalu beroleh damai sejahtera, kita harus melakukan semua yang telah diajarkan oleh Yesus.

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